Page 8 - Newsletter Issue 9, April 2016
P. 8
Exhibition 2016 Exclusive Report
Report by: 1.A 25-foot long timeline highlighting
Adil Ahmad the significance of important events
from the life of the Holy Prophetsaw.
(2nd Year) 2.A family tree providing information
on the wives and children of the Holy
Last year, Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada Prophetsaw.
had the opportunity and blessing 3.Prophecies in previous scriptures.
to present an exhibition on the life of 4.Commencement of the Holy
the Promised Messiahas, which saw Prophet’ssaw prophethood.
over 4,000 visits. On that same model, 5.Battles
this year, Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada 6.The Holy Prophetsaw as the Perfect
produced a beautiful exhibition on Exemplar.
the life and character of the Holy Throughout the first half of the school
Prophetsaw, which was held between year, students researched their allotted
the 23rd and 28th of March, 2016. topics and collected content which
Preparations for the exhibition began they deemed to be suitable for the
at the very beginning of the school exhibition. Along with guidance from
year. The student body was divided the professors, the first semester ended
into six groups, each with a teacher in with a considerable amount of content
charge, which were as follows: that had been gathered.
1.Respected Furhan Qureshi Sahib Various books of history were used
2.Respected Asif Khan Sahib for the research; especially Seerat
3.Respected Ghulam Misbah Sahib Khaatumun Nabiyeen by Hazrat Mirza
4.Respected Hafiz Hibbatur Rehman Bashir Ahmadra, whose thorough
Sahib research and adroit writings gave
5.Respected Abdul Noor Abid Sahib way to a fascinating and compelling
6.Respected Sohail Saqib Sahib biography of the Holy Prophetsaw.
Each of these groups was assigned 9 Other books included biographies on
students, excluding the 7th year class, the companions of the Holy Prophetsaw
and were assigned to research and and books of geography.
collect content on specific aspects on An important characteristic of this
the life of the Holy Prophetsaw. Over 20 exhibition was to describe the Holy
banners were planned to be designed Prophetsaw through quotes from the
and printed, which included some of, writings of the Promised Messiahas,
but were not limited to, the following: whose love and honor for his beloved