Page 7 - Newsletter Issue 9, April 2016
P. 7
GET TO KNOW Interview by: This year we have taken special care regarding the
Omar Farooq composition of the information that is presented in order
Per sonalit y to bring it to the level of a professional institute. Although
this served to hone the skills of the students in writing
Prof. Sohail A. Saqib Born in Bashirabad, Hyderabad, and editing, this task required a long time to complete.
Sindh on Janurary 3rd, 1979, But, Alhamdulillah, with the collective effort of students
Professor Sohail Ahmad Saqib sahib and faculty day in and day out, we were able to raise the
son of Naseer Ahmad Basra sahib, level of text composition as compared to last year.
entered Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah
Pakistan in 1994. He graduated from Exhibition Experience
Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah with a
Shahid degree in 2001 and spent 1 Name: Wajeeh-Ur-Rehman Mirza
year in the field, in Narang Mandi, School: Heartlake Secondary School
District Sheikhupura and Qiyampur (Brampton)
Virkan, District Gujranwala. He Interests: Space, Animals,
returned to Rabwah in 2002, where Documentaries
he earned his specialization in Hobbies: Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey,
Tafseer-ul-Qur’an until 2005. Table Tennis, Desserts
From 2005 to 2008 he served in Favourite Quote:
Wakalat-e-Ta’leem, Pakistan. Then, “Suffer now and live the rest of your life
in 2008 he was sent to Ghana as a champion” - Muhammad Ali
to serve as professor in Jamia tul The greatest way in which I can express my love for the Holy
Mabashireen, Ghana. Prophetsaw may sound very easy, but it is in actuality, very hard
From 2010 to present, he has been to manage. It is by completely obeying the Holy Prophetsaw in
serving in Jamia Ahmadiyya my everyday life. From a young age, we hear very inspiring
Canada as professor of Tafseer-ul- and life-changing stories from the time of the Holy Prophetsaw.
Qur’an and Tarjama-tul-Qur’an. He Being young, we only take these stories for face value and
has also served as in-charge of Jamia focus on the interesting points.
Ahmadiyya Canada exhibition But as we get older we realize the specific reasons these stories
projects on the lives of the Promised were told to us. We take heed from them and mold our lives and
Messiahas and the Holy Prophetsa for try as hard as we can to make it parallel to the life of the Holy
the past 2 years. Prophetsaw. Being a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, I had
the opportunity to take part in an exclusive and exceptional
Q:How was the experience of organizing the Jamia exhibition on the blessed life of the Holy Prophetsaw.
exhibitions? After countless days and weeks of researching and compiling,
The exhibition was a very good experience and the exhibition was opened to the public on the 23rd of March
served as an amazing learning opportunity for not only and lasted until the 28th of March. I had the honour of
the visitors, but also the students and faculty of Jamia. presenting three banners: the Holy Prophetsaw as the Prince of
We must understand that in this ever changing modern Peace, his letters to kings, and lastly, the Holy Prophetsaw as the
age of evolving technologies and learning methods, we perfect role model. With hundreds of people flowing in, it was
have to employ these new methods in order to learn and a great learning experience for members of the Jama’at and
teach religious fundamentals to the new generations. By students of Jamia alike. Also, this was a huge reason why the
the grace of Allah and the prayers of Huzoor-e-Anwaraba, love of the Holy Prophetsaw increased in my heart.
this year, as well as the last year, the exhibition has been
very successful. The students of Jamia Ahmadiyya have
had a great opportunity to work on this blessed project
and gain valuable experience in many areas, such as
researching original Islamic sources, editing, composing
and designing. This has increased their knowledge and
granted them useful skills for their future.
All this has been possible due to the prayers and
encouragement of Huzooraba.
Q:What was the hardest thing about the exhibition? This was a perfect training experience to help me in my journey
We faced some obstacles in the completion of to become a missionary, as it increased me in knowledge and
this grand task, including researching original sources increased my love for my Holy Mastersaw. May Allah enable
for information and designing. But, I think that the most us to continue increasing in his love and may we be able to
difficult task was for the students to take time out of their implement his teachings in our lives. (Ameen)
studies and busy schedules to work on this.