Page 3 - Newsletter Issue 9, April 2016
P. 3
MESSAGE FROM of the Holy Prophetsa and his to be destroyed while you remain present in it.”
examples and take advantage of its The truth is that today, the opponents of Islam
ever tasteful fruit. are waging impure and dirty attacks upon the
THE The voice of Hadhrat Khalifatul Leader of Messengerssa so that they may (and
Masih IVra still rings in my ears we seek refuge from this) lessen his status in
PRINCIPAL today, when, while drawing the world and prove his religion to be false. In
attention towards bringing light of this our responsibilities grow in order to
about a change according to the protect the honour of the Holy Prophetsa.
example of the Holy Prophetsa While directing our attention towards this very
and establishing it in others as matter, our beloved Imam Hadhrat Khalifatul
well, he said: Masih Vaa said:
“Every person who establishes a “When an Ahmadi expresses his displeasure,
righteous change within another grief and anger at these obscene words, he also
holds the rank of a seal; he draws the attention of those very people along
establishes his seal upon others… with the influencers of his nation to abstain
Hence from this standpoint, take from uttering such obscene words and this is
care of your children and make something which he should draw attention
them into little ‘attesters’ who towards. From a worldly standpoint, an Ahmadi
hold the power of establishing does his part in helping the world recognize
the great qualities of the Holy and understand the truth in refutation to such
Prophetsa within others. If a seal is conspiracies while showing the beauty from the
ِب ْس ِم ال ّٰل ِه ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّر ِح ْي ِم placed upon another seal but then it is erased, life of the Holy Prophetsa. He exemplifies the
it cannot be called a seal; hence you should pristine example of the Holy Prophetsa in his
نَ ْح َم ُد ُه َو نُ َص ِّ ْل َع َل َر ُس ْولِ ِه الْ َك ِريْ ِم َو َع َل َعبْ ِد ِه الْ َم ِس ْي ِح الْ َم ْو ُع ْو ِد every action and pays attention towards sending
praise and salutations upon him more so than
My dear students of Jamia, become those attesters who do not come under before. Every man, woman, elder and child must
Assalamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa the influence of the ungodly, otherwise your fill the environment and atmosphere around
imprints will be erased. When you will place them with salutations. They make their actions
Barakatuhu your seal upon someone it will not remain in the an embodiment of Islamic teachings. This is the
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, Jamia way you think, for the world will have changed beautiful reaction which we must show.” (Al-
Ahmadiyya Canada was once again granted the its imprint. So like the waves which change the Fazl International, October 12, 2012)
opportunity of presenting a grand exhibition. imprint of the sand, do not make your imprints He further stated:
This exhibition was prepared through the such that they can be changed by every rising In such a time when there is a storm of
tireless efforts of the professors and students wave. The waves of today have left one imprint disrespect brewing against the Holy Prophetsa,
of Jamia, while immersed in the love of their and the waves of tomorrow will leave another. surely the Angels of Allah the Almighty are
beloved master, Muhammad the Chosen You have to permanently imprint the seal of the sending salutations upon him. It is also our job,
Onesa. They were afforded the opportunity of Holy Prophetsa within yourselves and then carry those of us who have associated ourselves with
presenting various aspects from the life of their it forward.” (Friday Sermon of June 20th, 1997, the cause and community of the true lover of the
most belovedsa. May Allah the Almighty grant taken from Al-Fazl International, August 8-14, Holy Prophetsa and the Imam of this age, that we
them a great reward. 1997) laden our prayers with salutations and with a
No one can refute the fact that it is obligatory Then, regarding the blessings of the effects left true heart spread salutations in the atmosphere
upon every Muslim to understand the pristine by the impression from the seal of the Prophet to such an extent that its every particle becomes
life of the Holy Prophetsa. To act upon every Muhammadsa, he said: fragranced by it; and our prayers reach the point
aspect of this life is one of the most important I swear by God that if you establish within of acceptance in the court of the Almighty God
ordainments from God the Almighty, and yourself the imprint left by the seal of the Holy
is a means of attaining the love of the Lord. Prophetsa then because of you, billions of people Continued on page 14
May Allah the Almighty enable all students, will be saved. It will not be possible for the world
professors and staff members to adopt the life
STUDENT’S My name is Fahd Peerzada and I am from Vancouver, British Columbia. By the grace of God I am in my fourth year
of Jamia and I can say that it really doesn’t feel like it has been that long, the way it flew by. It has been a long journey
Voice with its ups and downs. At times, it is difficult not having the eases of home and the environment is definitely different
than what I grew up in. However, Jamia has also been very enjoyable to me. For example, every day I am able to see
Fahd Peerzada (4th year) my friends who have grown to become my brothers and the memories I have had with them will be cherished with me
forever. Also, I can say that Jamia has also helped me develop a relationship with God the Almighty, Huzoor (may Allah
be his Helper) and enhanced my knowledge of the religion I love dearly. Jamia has also taught me more about myself
and skills that will Insha’Allah benefit me in the field as a missionary and in service of the Jama’at.
Although it has been a rollercoaster ride, I cannot deny it has also been a good learning experience. However, I am only
in my fourth year right now and the journey still remains and I have much more to learn and Jamia is preparing me
daily for the long road that is ahead of me. I pray that God keeps me on the path on which he has bestowed his blessings
and helps me in every step of my journey.