Page 9 - Newsletter Issue 9, April 2016
P. 9

Respected Missionary In-Charge of AMJ Canada officially inaugurating the Exhibition  short videos from “The Astonishing
                                                                                     Story of the Holy Prophetsaw”, which
master was manifested in his brilliant    again with a beautiful and stunning        provided for a short break during the
writings. Of course, the students         display of the Holy Prophet’ssaw life.     exhibition. Also in the assembly hall
played their part in describing the       The graphics also proved its work by       were displayed various historical and
character of the Holy Prophetsaw, but     sacrificing its March break. A few         contemporary books on the life and
the words of the Messiah and Mahdi of     members of the team worked over            character of The Holy Prophetsaw, so
the time hold a weight immeasurable,      these days while the rest of the students  that exhibition attendees could be
and therefore their used seemed apt.      went home on their breaks. May Allah       made aware of the vast amount of
After content collection, the material    bless their sacrifice.                     Islamic scholarship and literature.
was handed over to the editing team,      This year, Jamia wanted to enhance         Along with this, Jamia included two
which was tasked with presenting the      the experience of the exhibition by        high definition touchscreen TVs, so
material in an attractive, memorable,     providing more interaction, therefore,     viewers could get an up-close view of
and easily comprehendible manner.         it put the assembly hall of greater        important landmarks such as Cave of
This task was meant to last only two      use. Throughout the exhibition,            Hira and the Kabaa. Perhaps the most
weeks, but the work proved to be tedious  the smart board T.V was replaying          unique addition was a “virtual tour” of
and difficult at times. Describing                                                   the Cave of Hira. Attendees could wear
the life of the most important man                                                   virtual reality goggles that simulated
history is easier said than done.                                                    them standing in the middle of the
Multiple members of the editing team,                                                Cave of Hira, around the Kabaa, or
including first-year students, pulled                                                in other famous Mosques. The guest
all-nighters to accommodate the                                                      remarks showed how the children
deadlines. However, by the sheer grace                                               especially enjoyed this new feature.
of Allah Almighty, the editing team                                                  Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada utilized
was able to present a carefully crafted                                              multiple avenues in order to publicize
array of words, comprehendible by all                                                the exhibition. Over 2000 flyers were
age groups.                                                                          handed out in and around the Peace
After editing, the graphics team took                                                Village neighborhood; banners were
charge by designing a total of 24                                                    hung throughout the mosque, Tahir
banners encompassing all the material                                                Hall, and Abode of Peace. Along with
collected. How to bring to life a time                                               this, every Jama’at was communicated
period where there were no cameras                                                   to about the exhibition.
or photos is a mammoth task, but the
graphics team proved its merit once

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