Page 11 - Issue
P. 11
’ نعت
Page )2nd Y( �حاشر احمد ب ٹ
principle to whehaicrht fworetahdehwe-hrTehoeilsePrtoohmfamitsewadneMkeisnsidah”as ئئ
“The kindness at
have انکےوہدررسپور ِنلہ خج�داا یخا�تتموالجمار یسل��ی نک�ہاں
ی�ا نبی ی�ا نبی ی�ا نبی ی�ا نبی
ہے دروداورسلام زندگی انکے ن ا�م
کلو نفہ�اتمباھوپیرنےفکرہجرتسنےتوہ ی ِکدل�اےنلخکٓاو�دت ا�ا یصخہامدتےیمر قک�اصھللتاونےےّ با یا� ہع ییل ٰی�نمجو
قتل و غارت ختھی منظور جس قوم کو
اس کو ٓا�ر سکھا ی�ا رہِ راستی
پ یا�رے رب کے ہ ی� وہ رب ہے ان کا ولی
وہ ہ ی� پھول ا ی� اورہم ہ ی� انکی کلی
By: Mustajab Kang (4th Y) ان پہ ثلاکھوں سلام درود اور سلام ہے
ٓا ِب کو�ر کا جام ہ ی� پلاتے وہی
ٓارزو ہے ی رمی گر اجازت ملے
بننا چاہوں گا یم بھی غلا ِم نبی
My name is Aatir Khan. I in the remembrance of Allah that who gives solace to the grieving
am from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan hearts can find comfort.”(13:24) hearts and helps the ones who are
and I am a 3rd year student in in despair.
Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada. In the Indeed, there are many difficulties
past two years I have learned a and trials in life and these trials This is such a powerful teaching,
lot in this prestigious institute. In bring many people to their that if one realizes its importance,
this student’s voice, I would like breaking point. Some fall into the they can live a life of peace and
to highlight for the reader one of pit of depression and others come contentment. So, we should
the most important lessons I have to such as an extent that they always remember that whenever
learned in Jamia. decide to end their life. This is all a hardship befalls us we should
In the Holy Quran، Allah says: due to the fact that when we are always turn towards the Most
tried, we seek to find comfort and Gracious and Merciful God. For it
Atir Mujtaba Khan ۗ ا َّ ِلي َن �آ َمنُوا َوتَ ْط َم ِ ُّئ ُقلُو ُ ُبم ِب ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه help from worldly things. But the is only through him that our hearts
From: Saskatoon أ� َل ِب ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه تَ ْط َم ِ ُّئ الْ ُقلُو ُب Holy Quran tells us that it is only can find comfort.
through the remembrance of Allah
“Those who believe, and whose that we can find true comfort. He چ ی ن� دل آرام جاں �پاوں کہاں کہاں کر جا ٔوں در چھوڑ ت ی تم
hearts find comfort in the is the Creator, the All-Knowing کس کے ٓاگے اور پ ی ا�وں کہاں نہ گر پ ی ا�وں آگے ہاتھ ر�ا
remembrance of Allah. Aye! It is and All-Powerful. He is the one
Page # 11 The Western HTohreiWzoensteSrynedHnoarMizoansroIosrsuEed#it1i3on