Page 8 - Western Horizon - Issue 5 - Apr-May 2015
P. 8
pirational Incident Barakatul Khilafah
Blessings of Khilafat Musleh Uddin Shanboor (6th year)
Hadrat Maulvi Abul Ata Jalundhari Sahib relates:
Once, I, along with an Ahmadi friend were Ihave a long story of my journey to Jamia, which I
returning to Kababir after conducting will try to summarize in a few words.
a preaching programme. We were passing In July 2009 when I went to UK Jamia for an
through a jungle when we sensed that interview, I had failed to get admission due
something was stirring in the shrubs. We to some Visa issues. Therefore I went back to
thought it to be some animal and did not pay Palestine and kept seeking Huzoor’s advice
much attention to the incident. When we had regarding how to enter Jamia and which Jamia I
travelled a little farther, we heard two shots should go to.
of gunfire. Again, we considered it also to be
some kind of random occurrence and did not Then I tried to apply, during the same year,
pay much attention to it. It seemed to be an for a Visa to go to Canada Jamia. The Embassy
insignificant incident and we forgot all about normally responds after at least 2 weeks as to
it. However, what I learned later on clearly whether they have accepted the application or
established that our journey may in fact have rejected it. Therefore, they responded after 2
been near-fatal though we passed through weeks that they had rejected my application.
safely with the help and protection of God During those days I saw a dream in which Huzoor
Almighty. was helping me and our missionary in building a
new Jamia just for me to start studying in. I did not
After a long period of time, we came inform Huzoor about this dream, Hudoor himself
to know the true nature of the incident. instructed our Missionary to start teaching me
There were certain enemies of Ahmadiyyat until I was admitted in to any Jamia in the world.
who were trying to assassinate me. I started studying for a few months until
On the night of the incident, two Protects his Servants UK Jalsa Salana was about to start.
of these young men from the I was told that I should go to the
enemies, fully armed with Jalsa and meet Huzoor and ask
loaded guns, and hiding in him directly to pray for me
the bushes, were looking to get the Visa for Canada
for an opportunity to Jamia. Hence I did what
assassinate me. When I and I was told, and Huzoor
my companion, conversing prayed for me directly.
with each other passed by
them, one of the men fired Then as soon as I went
his gun to kill me. However, back home I was told that
the gun did not fire. Then, new applications were sent
the second man fired his gun for you from Canada Jamia,
to kill me. His gun also failed go and apply again. This time
to fire. Totally unaware of their when I went to the embassy I
assassination attempts, both of us was certain that they would not
kept on moving under the protection of reject my application. As I said before,
God Almighty. After we had gone, both young it takes them at least 2 weeks to respond to the
men fired their guns again and both guns application, but this time, by the grace of God and
fired shots perfectly. There was absolutely Huzoor’s prayers, without even interviewing, me
nothing wrong with the guns. Only when the they responded on the spot and gave me a Visa for
guns were directed towards the servants of 2 years. This is how I ended up being in Canada
Islam, the Power of God Almighty stopped Jamia, and all praise belongs to Allah.
the guns from firing. (Devotion of Life, p.491)
Blessings of Khilafat Musleh Uddin Shanboor (6th year)
Hadrat Maulvi Abul Ata Jalundhari Sahib relates:
Once, I, along with an Ahmadi friend were Ihave a long story of my journey to Jamia, which I
returning to Kababir after conducting will try to summarize in a few words.
a preaching programme. We were passing In July 2009 when I went to UK Jamia for an
through a jungle when we sensed that interview, I had failed to get admission due
something was stirring in the shrubs. We to some Visa issues. Therefore I went back to
thought it to be some animal and did not pay Palestine and kept seeking Huzoor’s advice
much attention to the incident. When we had regarding how to enter Jamia and which Jamia I
travelled a little farther, we heard two shots should go to.
of gunfire. Again, we considered it also to be
some kind of random occurrence and did not Then I tried to apply, during the same year,
pay much attention to it. It seemed to be an for a Visa to go to Canada Jamia. The Embassy
insignificant incident and we forgot all about normally responds after at least 2 weeks as to
it. However, what I learned later on clearly whether they have accepted the application or
established that our journey may in fact have rejected it. Therefore, they responded after 2
been near-fatal though we passed through weeks that they had rejected my application.
safely with the help and protection of God During those days I saw a dream in which Huzoor
Almighty. was helping me and our missionary in building a
new Jamia just for me to start studying in. I did not
After a long period of time, we came inform Huzoor about this dream, Hudoor himself
to know the true nature of the incident. instructed our Missionary to start teaching me
There were certain enemies of Ahmadiyyat until I was admitted in to any Jamia in the world.
who were trying to assassinate me. I started studying for a few months until
On the night of the incident, two Protects his Servants UK Jalsa Salana was about to start.
of these young men from the I was told that I should go to the
enemies, fully armed with Jalsa and meet Huzoor and ask
loaded guns, and hiding in him directly to pray for me
the bushes, were looking to get the Visa for Canada
for an opportunity to Jamia. Hence I did what
assassinate me. When I and I was told, and Huzoor
my companion, conversing prayed for me directly.
with each other passed by
them, one of the men fired Then as soon as I went
his gun to kill me. However, back home I was told that
the gun did not fire. Then, new applications were sent
the second man fired his gun for you from Canada Jamia,
to kill me. His gun also failed go and apply again. This time
to fire. Totally unaware of their when I went to the embassy I
assassination attempts, both of us was certain that they would not
kept on moving under the protection of reject my application. As I said before,
God Almighty. After we had gone, both young it takes them at least 2 weeks to respond to the
men fired their guns again and both guns application, but this time, by the grace of God and
fired shots perfectly. There was absolutely Huzoor’s prayers, without even interviewing, me
nothing wrong with the guns. Only when the they responded on the spot and gave me a Visa for
guns were directed towards the servants of 2 years. This is how I ended up being in Canada
Islam, the Power of God Almighty stopped Jamia, and all praise belongs to Allah.
the guns from firing. (Devotion of Life, p.491)