Page 7 - Western Horizon - Issue 5 - Apr-May 2015
P. 7
Name: Mehmood Kausar
From: New York
Graduated: 2012
Posting: Marshall Islands

Picture taken with the

Ten years ago I boarded a train from est hint of fear, or teacher to a little girl struggling against
Madison Square Garden headed to- he will eat you alive. cultural bounds for an education, a doc-
wards Toronto. From that very day, life That is the unfor- tor to a little boy who slit open his head,
has never been the same. First the expe- tunate state of the a political adviser to politicians, a con-
rience of year after year of studies, ex- rest of this fallen sultant to business owners, a mechanic
ams, assignments and most important- nation. But peace for the Jama’at vehicle, a carpenter for
ly, ratta, or more sophisticatedly coined and tranquility is the mosque podium, and a guide for
as memory cramming. It’s been nearly free to roam the a drunkard who needs to free himself
a decade of training, sacrifices, and streets of Rabwah, from the shackles of life. An Ahmadi
struggles, all so today would be easier. and we pray Allah Muslim missionary is everything he can
The truth is, today is never easier. It is keeps our city safe, be for the sake of Allah, Islam and the
a continuous journey with new experi- always, insha’Allah. people. So it is now that you should pray
ences. The graduating class of 2012 had After Jamia, there for yourself and pray for all missionar-
the privilege of serving in Africa and are a series of steps ies who are serving in diverse capacities
that short journey left an imprint on us before we finally arrive where we are around the globe.
all. Some mates remember the genera- now. And these steps will continue as
tor-powered villages of Liberia, others we move forward. I have had the oppor-
the ferry trips across The Gambia. Some tunity to serve a short while in Philadel-
have the imprint of a sea of white-clothed phia where I also found the same love
Ahmadis in Ghana while a couple of us and brotherhood as was witnessed in
have the imprint of the eastern shores of Africa, Europe and Pakistan. What was
Africa. What we passed through then even more beautiful was my next ap-
was our first classroom which taught us pointment to the Pacific Islands. First,
about life, where we learned the toll of I mingled with our Ahmadis in Mar-
culture on a nation’s future, the sensitiv- shall Islands where Allah the Almighty
ities grown out of misinformation, and showed many signs of His truth and the
we felt the love and unity of Ahmadiyyat truth of Ahmadiyyat. Such stories will
as it should be seen. Our journey didn’t be shared, insha’Allah, in the future.
end there, we continued to the peaceful These magnificent signs have continued
streets of our very own Ahmadi city, as I have moved on to Kiriba-
Rabwah. Some of my colleagues saw ti Islands. This Jama’at has 27
Rabwah for the first time. How, in the years of history, full of tales of
middle of a broken and crumbling na- sacrifice, always followed by
tion, where injustice, fraud and corrup- miraculous signs of the truth of
tion run rampant, a small city thrives the Holy Prophetsa and our be-
on justice, fairness, peace and brother- loved Hazrat Masih Mau’udas.
hood. There is such harmony that one As students, it’s essential to re-
doesn’t realize its magnitude until a member you are one day going
simple drive to the neighboring villag- to be missionaries, Ahmadi
es, where fear is clinched as if you stand missionaries. What that actu-
before a hungry, barking, mad dog. You ally means is you are going to
must stand firm and not give the slight- be like a father to an orphan, a
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