Page 6 - Western Horizon - Issue 5 - Apr-May 2015
P. 6
Sarmad Naveed
(4th Year)
Why? A simple, single worded knowledge by certainty of world something as seemingly petty
question, which in almost ev- sight and knowledge by as a letter holds the key to our con-
ery instance of its asking requires certainty of experience; stant experience of Khilafat. Imagine
an answer much more elaborate. For the latter being the great- if the means which are available to
example, we are always told to es- est form. By establishing a us today were available at the time
tablish a connection with the Khal- connection with the Khal- of the Holy Prophetsaw. Just envision
ifa and that we must be as close to ifa, by physically being in how great the yearning would have
the Khalifa as possible; Why? We his presence, or by estab- been of those who were not able to
are told to constantly write letters lishing a physical chain of physically meet the Holy Prophetsaw,
to the Khalifa; Why? To some it may communication would lead that they may communicate with
seem obvious; the Khalifa is such a one to acquire knowledge him as simply as we can communi-
holy figure, chosen by God to carry of Khilafat by certainty of cate with our Khalifa today. With
on the mission of the Promised Mes- experience. It is in this way this in mind, it becomes an obliga-
siahas initiated by the Holy Prophet- that one’s heart beats not tion for us to establish and maintain
saw. Surely such questions are neither to keep the body alive, but such a connection with the Khilafat
worthy of an answer nor any atten- to serve the Khalifa. This is upon the precepts of Prophethood;
tion. However when we sit and write a state which can only be and through the means provided to
letters to our Imam, are we doing it achieved by way of experience, by us, the best way of doing so is con-
simply so that he may recognize our experiencing the blessings of Khi- stantly writing letters to our Khalifa.
name, or so that we may receive a lafat, by experiencing a connection By doing so, we save ourselves from
letter in return, signed by his blessed with Khilafat. In essence one can being those who propagate and in-
hand? It is not a matter of question only claim to truly know what Khi- cite others towards a remedy which
that everyone has an immense love lafat is after having experienced it. we ourselves have not tried or expe-
for the Khalifa, but for those who rienced. So it is thus, that the true
aspire to represent and become the To establish such a relationship and understanding and knowledge of
soldiers who propagate that which to physically experience Khilafat has Khilfat is merely a letter away.
the Khalifa propagates, we must un- been made easier for some, as they
derstand the deeper purpose of this live in the presence of the Khali-
connection. fa. However for those of us who sit
afar from the physical presence of
Our knowledge of Khilafat must be our beloved, we must resort to other
of the highest degree, not in the means of attaining this experience.
sense of historical facts regarding In this regard, something as sim-
Khilafat, but rather the knowledge ple as a letter holds an importance
of what Khilafat actually is; this is of profound proportions. It is that
relative to every individual’s experi- very ink which allows us to present
ence of Khilafat. Albert Einstein said, our humble submissions before the
“The only source of knowledge is ex- chosen Khalifa, to express our devo-
perience.” This is a concept which tion, our service and our complete
the Holy Qur’an has elaborated upon submission. It is in this way that we
in chapter 102 verses 2 to 9. In these attempt to inscribe our expressions
verses Allah the Almighty outlines of love and present a fraction of our
three primary types of knowledge; prayers which to some extent can be
knowledge by certainty of reason, limited to writing. Hence in today’s
Sarmad Naveed
(4th Year)
Why? A simple, single worded knowledge by certainty of world something as seemingly petty
question, which in almost ev- sight and knowledge by as a letter holds the key to our con-
ery instance of its asking requires certainty of experience; stant experience of Khilafat. Imagine
an answer much more elaborate. For the latter being the great- if the means which are available to
example, we are always told to es- est form. By establishing a us today were available at the time
tablish a connection with the Khal- connection with the Khal- of the Holy Prophetsaw. Just envision
ifa and that we must be as close to ifa, by physically being in how great the yearning would have
the Khalifa as possible; Why? We his presence, or by estab- been of those who were not able to
are told to constantly write letters lishing a physical chain of physically meet the Holy Prophetsaw,
to the Khalifa; Why? To some it may communication would lead that they may communicate with
seem obvious; the Khalifa is such a one to acquire knowledge him as simply as we can communi-
holy figure, chosen by God to carry of Khilafat by certainty of cate with our Khalifa today. With
on the mission of the Promised Mes- experience. It is in this way this in mind, it becomes an obliga-
siahas initiated by the Holy Prophet- that one’s heart beats not tion for us to establish and maintain
saw. Surely such questions are neither to keep the body alive, but such a connection with the Khilafat
worthy of an answer nor any atten- to serve the Khalifa. This is upon the precepts of Prophethood;
tion. However when we sit and write a state which can only be and through the means provided to
letters to our Imam, are we doing it achieved by way of experience, by us, the best way of doing so is con-
simply so that he may recognize our experiencing the blessings of Khi- stantly writing letters to our Khalifa.
name, or so that we may receive a lafat, by experiencing a connection By doing so, we save ourselves from
letter in return, signed by his blessed with Khilafat. In essence one can being those who propagate and in-
hand? It is not a matter of question only claim to truly know what Khi- cite others towards a remedy which
that everyone has an immense love lafat is after having experienced it. we ourselves have not tried or expe-
for the Khalifa, but for those who rienced. So it is thus, that the true
aspire to represent and become the To establish such a relationship and understanding and knowledge of
soldiers who propagate that which to physically experience Khilafat has Khilfat is merely a letter away.
the Khalifa propagates, we must un- been made easier for some, as they
derstand the deeper purpose of this live in the presence of the Khali-
connection. fa. However for those of us who sit
afar from the physical presence of
Our knowledge of Khilafat must be our beloved, we must resort to other
of the highest degree, not in the means of attaining this experience.
sense of historical facts regarding In this regard, something as sim-
Khilafat, but rather the knowledge ple as a letter holds an importance
of what Khilafat actually is; this is of profound proportions. It is that
relative to every individual’s experi- very ink which allows us to present
ence of Khilafat. Albert Einstein said, our humble submissions before the
“The only source of knowledge is ex- chosen Khalifa, to express our devo-
perience.” This is a concept which tion, our service and our complete
the Holy Qur’an has elaborated upon submission. It is in this way that we
in chapter 102 verses 2 to 9. In these attempt to inscribe our expressions
verses Allah the Almighty outlines of love and present a fraction of our
three primary types of knowledge; prayers which to some extent can be
knowledge by certainty of reason, limited to writing. Hence in today’s