Page 4 - Western Horizon - Issue 5 - Apr-May 2015
P. 4
of Jamia
April - May 2015
Annual Dinner
&English Speech Competition
Reported by: Adil Ahmad (2nd Year) and a poem of Hazrat Musleh Maudra evening, Respected Chaudhry Allah
by Farrukh Tahir (1st year). Bakhsh Sadiq Sahib, Wakilut-Taleem,
On May 2nd 2015 Jamia Rabwah, Pakistan. Through verses
Ahmadiyya held its Annual Next was the prize distribution of the Holy Quran and the character
Dinner and English Speech ceremony. Throughout the year, of the Holy Prophetsaw he stressed
Competition. The dinner was held at students had been competing in to the students of Jamia and the
the conclusion of the yearly speech education competitions, both on audience to uphold the highest moral
competitions which were conducted the individual and group level. principles and to continuously strive
on April 30th (Arabic Speech) and May Here, they were recognized for their to improve their spirituality. He also
1st (Urdu Speech). The dinner also achievements. Students were given made mention of the students of Hifz
held the prize distribution ceremony vouchers that could redeemed at the School and how they should guard the
of the education competitions that AMJ bookstore. value and sanctity of the Holy Quran
took place throughout the year. throughout their life. In the end, he
During the prize distribution congratulated the those who helped
The first part of the dinner was marked ceremony, the award for Student of to organize the event.
by the English Speech competition. the Year is given to the individual
Sagher Bajwa Sahib (2nd Year) began who accumulates the most points The session ended with closing
the program with the recitation of throughout the competition year. remarks by Principal Hadi Ali
the Holy Quran. The competition This year, through hard work and Chaudhry Sahib and silent prayers
began with two representatives dedication, Basil Raza led by Chaudhry Allah Bakhsh Sahib.
from each tutorial group (Rafaqat, Butt Sahib (4th year) was The final event of the evening was the
Diyanat, Shujat, and Amanat). The fortunate to receive this dinner itself, which was catered to the
topics that were assigned for the award. guests by the students.
speeches were: 1) God, the Ultimate
truth, 2) Muhammadsaw, the greatest After the award By the grace of Allah, students many
human benefactor to mankind, and ceremony, Respected helping hands worked towards making
3) Khilafat: The only source for world Mubarak Ahmad Nazir the program success. May Allah bless
peace. The Judges included respected Sahib, Naib Amir and them all for their efforts.
Sheikh Abdul Wudood Sahib, Usman Missionary in Charge,
Shahid Sahib, and Dr. Altaf Qadeer gave a short speech in
Sahib. Alhamdulillah, students had which he introduced the
diligently prepared their speeches, honorary guest of the
making the competition tight. Sarmad
Naveed (3rd year) of Diyanat group
came first, with Frasat Ahmad (4th
year) of Shujaat group coming in
second and Sabahat Ali (4th year) of
Rafaqat group in third.
Session two of the Annual Dinner
began after the conclusion of the
speech competition. This session
began with the recitation of the Holy
Quran by Basil Butt Sahib (4th year)
of Jamia
April - May 2015
Annual Dinner
&English Speech Competition
Reported by: Adil Ahmad (2nd Year) and a poem of Hazrat Musleh Maudra evening, Respected Chaudhry Allah
by Farrukh Tahir (1st year). Bakhsh Sadiq Sahib, Wakilut-Taleem,
On May 2nd 2015 Jamia Rabwah, Pakistan. Through verses
Ahmadiyya held its Annual Next was the prize distribution of the Holy Quran and the character
Dinner and English Speech ceremony. Throughout the year, of the Holy Prophetsaw he stressed
Competition. The dinner was held at students had been competing in to the students of Jamia and the
the conclusion of the yearly speech education competitions, both on audience to uphold the highest moral
competitions which were conducted the individual and group level. principles and to continuously strive
on April 30th (Arabic Speech) and May Here, they were recognized for their to improve their spirituality. He also
1st (Urdu Speech). The dinner also achievements. Students were given made mention of the students of Hifz
held the prize distribution ceremony vouchers that could redeemed at the School and how they should guard the
of the education competitions that AMJ bookstore. value and sanctity of the Holy Quran
took place throughout the year. throughout their life. In the end, he
During the prize distribution congratulated the those who helped
The first part of the dinner was marked ceremony, the award for Student of to organize the event.
by the English Speech competition. the Year is given to the individual
Sagher Bajwa Sahib (2nd Year) began who accumulates the most points The session ended with closing
the program with the recitation of throughout the competition year. remarks by Principal Hadi Ali
the Holy Quran. The competition This year, through hard work and Chaudhry Sahib and silent prayers
began with two representatives dedication, Basil Raza led by Chaudhry Allah Bakhsh Sahib.
from each tutorial group (Rafaqat, Butt Sahib (4th year) was The final event of the evening was the
Diyanat, Shujat, and Amanat). The fortunate to receive this dinner itself, which was catered to the
topics that were assigned for the award. guests by the students.
speeches were: 1) God, the Ultimate
truth, 2) Muhammadsaw, the greatest After the award By the grace of Allah, students many
human benefactor to mankind, and ceremony, Respected helping hands worked towards making
3) Khilafat: The only source for world Mubarak Ahmad Nazir the program success. May Allah bless
peace. The Judges included respected Sahib, Naib Amir and them all for their efforts.
Sheikh Abdul Wudood Sahib, Usman Missionary in Charge,
Shahid Sahib, and Dr. Altaf Qadeer gave a short speech in
Sahib. Alhamdulillah, students had which he introduced the
diligently prepared their speeches, honorary guest of the
making the competition tight. Sarmad
Naveed (3rd year) of Diyanat group
came first, with Frasat Ahmad (4th
year) of Shujaat group coming in
second and Sabahat Ali (4th year) of
Rafaqat group in third.
Session two of the Annual Dinner
began after the conclusion of the
speech competition. This session
began with the recitation of the Holy
Quran by Basil Butt Sahib (4th year)