Page 6 - Issue
P. 6

4                     54900                         3
          Exhibitions               Distributed                 Tabligh
            of Books                                             Stalls
                                  Students distributed flyers
           Students organized     in many countries, mainly   Students held many
          Exhibitions of Jama’at  in South America. Most      Tabligh stalls in
                                  flyers were distributed in   various countries to
                 books and        Ecuador (44,000)            invite openly
          publications in order                               towards the true
                                                              Islam, Ahmadiyyat.
             to enlighten the

 1        WAQF-E-ARZI                                          7

 Radio                        During Summer                   Bai’ats
program                            Holidays

           44                     105                          80

          Tarbiyyati                Tabligh                   Learned the
          Programs                 Contacts                   Holy Qur’an

          Students held many      Students were able to       Students held classes
          Tarbiyyati classes      make many Tabligh           to teach new
          and programs, in        contacts, especially in     Ahmadis the Holy
          Canada, USA, and in     South America. May          Qur’an.
          South America. This     Allah bring them to the
          includes the USA        fold of Ahmadiyyat.
          Jamia orientation       Ameen.

Page # 6                                                      The Western HTohreiWzoensteSrynedHnoarMizoansroIosrsuEed#it1i3on
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