Page 11 - Issue
P. 11

’             ‫نعت‬

                   Page                                                                                      )2nd Y( �‫حاشر احمد ب ٹ‬
                   principle  to  whehaicrht fworetahdehwe-hrTehoeilsePrtoohmfamitsewadneMkeisnsidah”as        ‫ئئ‬
           “The    kindness   at
           have                                                                                          ‫انکےوہدررسپور ِنلہ خج�داا یخا�تتموالجمار یسل��ی نک�ہاں‬

                                                                                                              ‫ی�ا نبی ی�ا نبی ی�ا نبی ی�ا نبی‬
                                                                                                           ‫ہے دروداورسلام زندگی انکے ن ا�م‬
                                                                                                         ‫کلو نفہ�اتمباھوپیرنےفکرہجرتسنےتوہ ی ِکدل�اےنلخکٓاو�دت ا�ا یصخہامدتےیمر قک�اصھللتاونےےّ با یا� ہع ییل ٰی�نمجو‬

                                                                                                           ‫قتل و غارت ختھی منظور جس قوم کو‬
                                                                                                                ‫اس کو ٓا�ر سکھا ی�ا رہِ راستی‬

                                                                                                         ‫پ یا�رے رب کے ہ ی� وہ رب ہے ان کا ولی‬
                                                                                                           ‫وہ ہ ی� پھول ا ی� اورہم ہ ی� انکی کلی‬

  By: Mustajab Kang (4th Y)                                                                              ‫ان پہ ثلاکھوں سلام‬           ‫درود اور سلام‬                    ‫ہے‬
                                                                                                           ‫ٓا ِب کو�ر کا جام‬          ‫ہ ی� پلاتے وہی‬
                                                                                                         ‫ٓارزو ہے ی رمی گر اجازت ملے‬

                                                                                                         ‫بننا چاہوں گا یم بھی غلا ِم نبی‬

                   	 My name is Aatir Khan. I                                                  in the remembrance of Allah that       who gives solace to the grieving
                   am from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan                                             hearts can find comfort.”(13:24)       hearts and helps the ones who are
                   and I am a 3rd year student in                                                                                     in despair.
                   Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada. In the                                              Indeed, there are many difficulties
                   past two years I have learned a                                             and trials in life and these trials    This is such a powerful teaching,
                   lot in this prestigious institute. In                                       bring many people to their             that if one realizes its importance,
                   this student’s voice, I would like                                          breaking point. Some fall into the     they can live a life of peace and
                   to highlight for the reader one of                                          pit of depression and others come      contentment. So, we should
                   the most important lessons I have                                           to such as an extent that they         always remember that whenever
                   learned in Jamia.                                                           decide to end their life. This is all  a hardship befalls us we should
                   In the Holy Quran، Allah says:                                              due to the fact that when we are       always turn towards the Most
                                                                                               tried, we seek to find comfort and     Gracious and Merciful God. For it
Atir Mujtaba Khan  ۗ ‫ا َّ ِلي َن �آ َمنُوا َوتَ ْط َم ِ ُّئ ُقلُو ُ ُبم ِب ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه‬  help from worldly things. But the      is only through him that our hearts
  From: Saskatoon    ‫أ� َل ِب ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه تَ ْط َم ِ ُّئ الْ ُقلُو ُب‬                   Holy Quran tells us that it is only    can find comfort.
                                                                                               through the remembrance of Allah
                   “Those who believe, and whose                                               that we can find true comfort. He       ‫چ ی ن� دل آرام جاں �پاوں کہاں‬  ‫کہاں‬   ‫کر جا ٔوں‬                                ‫در چھوڑ‬     ‫ت‬   ‫ی تم‬
                   hearts find comfort in the                                                  is the Creator, the All-Knowing        ‫کس کے ٓاگے اور پ ی ا�وں کہاں‬     ‫نہ گر‬  ‫پ ی ا�وں‬                                 ‫آگے ہاتھ‬  ‫ر�ا‬
                   remembrance of Allah. Aye! It is                                            and All-Powerful. He is the one

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