Page 9 - Western Horizon - Issue 3 - Jan. 2015
P. 9
ne day respected Principal Sahib said “A heeds this advice. While the world indulges in excess, our goals
person's worth is his commitment; without should be to do good works. Though it may be a
In one way or another, we are all committed to daunting quest, this challenge produces the
Ocommitment he, is nothing. If you say something. Whether it's a job, an idea, or God, greatest of men, the Prophets.
our consistent effort for the acquisition of a True freedom is an illusion. The only choice we
you're going to do something, no matter what goal defines us and our future, in this life and have is the type of constraint. So why not choose
happens, you must keep your word,” as I stood the afterlife. The golden principle of loss and one that frees from all other constraints: God?
with another student across from him. As I gain playing as our underlying conscious and
reflected the sagacious words, I pondered over the subconscious guide. To each, this perception What is your
man who had uttered them. Indeed, as he has of his/her gain or loss is their perspective, their Commitment?
attained success and value, so shall anyone who goal, their direction.
Each day we are inundated by countless Omar Farooq
different ideologies and suggestions. So how
do we open our eyes in this storm, much less (2nd Year)
tread against it? The Holy Qur'an beautifully
answers this question in Surah Al-Baqara :

“And everyone has a goal which dominates
him; vie, then, with one another in good works”



Laziness: Jama'at, by virtue of which we can achieve God commanding himself to get up and go, but if
Commitment's Sworn Himself. As an ancient Arabic idiom goes, everyone would recognize and accept the
“When one moment does not give life to the responsibilities that lie on our shoulders, then that
Enemy next, it is called death.” laziness would become something very easy to
by: overcome. We should all be attentive towards the
Farhad Ahmad Sinning is also caused by habits of laziness Quranic verse in chapter 18, verse 24: “And say not
Malik Ghaffar and lack of organized hours of daily life. A of anything, I am going to do it tomorrow.”
(6th Year) person tends to take things easy. He is carefree.
He has no inclination to work. When the time We should pray that Allah the Almighty may help
In the words of Jules Renard, “Laziness is comes, he tends to make light of what he has to us overcome the habit of laziness. Amin.
nothing more than the habit of resting before do.
you get tired.”
Laziness is something natural, something that Procrastination is one of the greatest
is within everyone; but laziness is a potent enemy soldiers of laziness. Once, a sincere
common to each one of us. It is capable of halting companion of the Holy Prophet -- on him be
all progress, suffocating positive change, and peace and blessings -- was all but ready to go
impeding evolution as we know it. As Ahmadi to the battlefield but had made no preparation
Muslims, we are bound to commit ourselves to the for it. He had persuaded himself that when the
time came he would be able to join the party
with ease. He continued to leave his
preparations to the end. The result was he was
left behind and could not join the army.
Laziness, therefore, is often the cause of sin.
Man is lazy and easy-going and is incapable of
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