Page 4 - Western Horizon - Issue 4 - Feb-Mar 2015
P. 4
ncipal’sT H E and how did Allah the Almighty help him The Promised Messiah’sas constant strug-
gle for the chosen faith was such that he
MESSAGE in every field, allowing the Promised did not differentiate between night and
day; rather, his day came to an end when
Messiahas to be victorious? In order to his body physically displayed that it had
reached its limit and could no longer
SPECIAL EDITION understand these things, it is of the move on. Despite this, he allowed his body
to take only the minimum amount of rest
utmost importance for the students of that it required. Describing this zeal and
dedication, the� ������ �
Jamia Ahmadiyya to intensely study the ���
life of the Promised Messiahas. The O Prophet of Allah! I offer my being for your
lovely countenance;
professors and students of Jamia
This head of mine, lying heavy on my shoulder,
Ahmadiyya have concisely, yet is but an offering in your service.
comprehensively depicted the life of the O Prophet of Allah!I am lost in love with every
particle of your holy person;
Promised Messiahas in the form of an
Were I to have a hundred thousand lives,I
exhibition, which should be examined in would bequeath them all to be sacrificed in
detail. May Allah immensely reward those your path.
who undertook this unprecedented task, My dear students of Jamia! We too have
devoted our lives. Are we doing all that we
both in this world and in the hereafter. can, to strive and struggle for the cause of
our faith? Let us follow the pristine
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful example of our holy Imam, the Messiah
sent by God, and strive for the cause of
We praise Him and send blessings upon His Noble Let us now turn to an evening in the life our faith as he did. May Allah help us in
Messenge rsa and upon his servant, the Promised of the Promised Messiahas, which this regard.
Messia has Wassalam
A humble one,
illustrates the immense effort he
Hadi Ali Ch.
My dear and beloved students of Jamia employed to raise the status of Islam. It
Ahmadiyya Canada was a common practice of the Promised
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Messiahas to commit hours upon hours to
Barakatuhu his writings. It was according to this
In my previous message, it was stated that practice that once he spent a majority of
God the Almighty informed the Promised the night in revising and editing one of
his writings. While keeping in mind the
Messiahas of the following:
struggles associated with constant
writing, revising and proof reading, one of
Meaning that: He will grant victory to his servants approached him (after the
those who believe in you over those who Zuhr prayer) and expressed his sympathy
disbelieve in you until the Last Day. How to him. Upon this, the Promised Messiahas
did the Promised Messiahas initiate this stated:
struggle for the victory of Islam? With “The body is made to bear hardships – what
what fervor did he work? With what else is it for?”
unparalleled determination did he strive
(Malfuzat, vol. 4,p.620)
Students’ Voice who can say that he has never faced any I came to Jamia, I saw Hazrat Khalifatul
trial in life. One must go through trials Masih IVrh in a dream. He held my hand,
Saqib M. Zafar (6th Year) and hardships in order for him/her to and walked me to school, and advised me
become a better human being and only that you will face many trials. Many will
Favourite book: then can one understand the pain and criticize you, but you must remain
Seerat Khatamun sorrow of others. steadfast and not worry about these
Nabiyyeen (part 1 and 2) things. Everything will settle into place.
High school: This not only strengthens one's
Evan Hardy Collegiate character but is also very important for In times of hardship, God
Institute, Saskatoon attaining nearness to God and building a Almighty shows his signs and takes you in
Hobbies: strong relationship with Him. At the time the lap of his mercy like a mother. The
Badminton, Basketball, of these trials we must not lose hope, we relief delivered at this point is beyond
Travelling, Reading. should keep our trust in God Almighty. description.
Because at the end of the same verse God
“In the end we only regret the Almighty says, “give glad tidings to those
chances we didn’t take.” who are steadfast.”
Allah the Almighty says in the Being in Jamia, we go through
Holy Quran that, many different types of trials, including-
“And We will surely test you with something of physical and emotional training. Before
fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives
and fruit”
There is not a single person in the world
gle for the chosen faith was such that he
MESSAGE in every field, allowing the Promised did not differentiate between night and
day; rather, his day came to an end when
Messiahas to be victorious? In order to his body physically displayed that it had
reached its limit and could no longer
SPECIAL EDITION understand these things, it is of the move on. Despite this, he allowed his body
to take only the minimum amount of rest
utmost importance for the students of that it required. Describing this zeal and
dedication, the� ������ �
Jamia Ahmadiyya to intensely study the ���
life of the Promised Messiahas. The O Prophet of Allah! I offer my being for your
lovely countenance;
professors and students of Jamia
This head of mine, lying heavy on my shoulder,
Ahmadiyya have concisely, yet is but an offering in your service.
comprehensively depicted the life of the O Prophet of Allah!I am lost in love with every
particle of your holy person;
Promised Messiahas in the form of an
Were I to have a hundred thousand lives,I
exhibition, which should be examined in would bequeath them all to be sacrificed in
detail. May Allah immensely reward those your path.
who undertook this unprecedented task, My dear students of Jamia! We too have
devoted our lives. Are we doing all that we
both in this world and in the hereafter. can, to strive and struggle for the cause of
our faith? Let us follow the pristine
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful example of our holy Imam, the Messiah
sent by God, and strive for the cause of
We praise Him and send blessings upon His Noble Let us now turn to an evening in the life our faith as he did. May Allah help us in
Messenge rsa and upon his servant, the Promised of the Promised Messiahas, which this regard.
Messia has Wassalam
A humble one,
illustrates the immense effort he
Hadi Ali Ch.
My dear and beloved students of Jamia employed to raise the status of Islam. It
Ahmadiyya Canada was a common practice of the Promised
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Messiahas to commit hours upon hours to
Barakatuhu his writings. It was according to this
In my previous message, it was stated that practice that once he spent a majority of
God the Almighty informed the Promised the night in revising and editing one of
his writings. While keeping in mind the
Messiahas of the following:
struggles associated with constant
writing, revising and proof reading, one of
Meaning that: He will grant victory to his servants approached him (after the
those who believe in you over those who Zuhr prayer) and expressed his sympathy
disbelieve in you until the Last Day. How to him. Upon this, the Promised Messiahas
did the Promised Messiahas initiate this stated:
struggle for the victory of Islam? With “The body is made to bear hardships – what
what fervor did he work? With what else is it for?”
unparalleled determination did he strive
(Malfuzat, vol. 4,p.620)
Students’ Voice who can say that he has never faced any I came to Jamia, I saw Hazrat Khalifatul
trial in life. One must go through trials Masih IVrh in a dream. He held my hand,
Saqib M. Zafar (6th Year) and hardships in order for him/her to and walked me to school, and advised me
become a better human being and only that you will face many trials. Many will
Favourite book: then can one understand the pain and criticize you, but you must remain
Seerat Khatamun sorrow of others. steadfast and not worry about these
Nabiyyeen (part 1 and 2) things. Everything will settle into place.
High school: This not only strengthens one's
Evan Hardy Collegiate character but is also very important for In times of hardship, God
Institute, Saskatoon attaining nearness to God and building a Almighty shows his signs and takes you in
Hobbies: strong relationship with Him. At the time the lap of his mercy like a mother. The
Badminton, Basketball, of these trials we must not lose hope, we relief delivered at this point is beyond
Travelling, Reading. should keep our trust in God Almighty. description.
Because at the end of the same verse God
“In the end we only regret the Almighty says, “give glad tidings to those
chances we didn’t take.” who are steadfast.”
Allah the Almighty says in the Being in Jamia, we go through
Holy Quran that, many different types of trials, including-
“And We will surely test you with something of physical and emotional training. Before
fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives
and fruit”
There is not a single person in the world