Page 16 - The Western Horizon #12
P. 16

‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﺍﻟﻠﮧ ﺍﻟﺮﲪﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﯿﻢ‬

                        Huzooraa graciously gave his comments in response to two of
                                              my letters, one being:

                                “ Everything is taken care of through prayer ”

           FARHAD RANA

 I asked Huzoor-e-Anwaraa in one of my letters that Durood Shareef is given much
 importance. When I recite it in my daily routine or prayers, what should I ponder
upon in order to truly understand and gain benefit from Durood? Huzoor-e-Anwaraa


            ”‫“ آنحضرت صلّى اللہ علىہ وسلم کے احسا ن ا�ت سامنے لا ى�ا کرىں‬

                     “Bring to mind the favours of the Holy Prophetsa”

                                                                                    QASIM CHAUDHRY

WAJEEH MIRZA            I wrote a letter to Huzooraa the day he left from Peace Village, letting Huzooraa know how
                        we as a Jama’at felt and specifically what my emotions were while Huzooraa was leaving
                        Peace Village. In my letter, I wrote, “Dear Huzooraa my feelings today while you were
                        leaving were sad, as if something was forcefully being taken away from me, as if my life
                        did not matter anymore and a sort of depression on the heart was taking over, thinking
                        only God knows when I will get another chance to see, with my own eyes, the Man
                        of God. Huzooraa, what were your feelings and emotions, if I may ask, when you were

                                             leaving Peace Village?” Huzooraa graciously replied:

                        ‫“مىں تو آ فپ کے دىن اور دنىا کے حسنات کے لئے دعا کر رہا تھا۔ اللہ تعالىٰ آپ ک فے نىک ج ��ذ ا�بت‬
                           ”‫قبول ر�مائے اور آپ بس کو خلافت سے مضبوط تعلق قائم رکھنے کى توفىق عطا ر�مائے۔‬

                        “I was praying for your good in the world and faith. May Allah accept your good sentiments
                               and grant all of you the ability to maintain a strong connection with Khilafat”

Page # 16                                      TThheeWWesetsetrenrnHHoorirziozonn SSyyeeddnnaaMMaassrroooorrEEddiittiioonn
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