Page 10 - Western Horizon - Issue 3 - Jan. 2015
P. 10
/2015 Life
Students to scholars

Introduction to Graduates


Abdul Noor Abid


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan




Professor Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada

It is only by virtue of Allah's beneficence respect, and such love as cannot be Beloved Huzoor appointed this humble
and it is through his blessing and favor expressed by mere words. He directed one as a professor in Jamia Ahmadiyya
that I devoted my life and entered Jamia our attention once more towards the Canada, as such I wish to request and
Ahmadiyya Canada in 2008, so that I may importance of devotion and love towards advise all Waqifeen-e-Nau and those
- to the best of my abilities - serve Islam, the system of Khilafat and Khalifatul students who intend on applying for
rendering the humble services that God Masih, as well as our responsibilities as Jamia, that being a missionary and
Almighty Himself alludes to by saying, missionaries. Countless times he devoting your life is no walk in the park.
"And let there always be among you a reminded us of our purpose - that we The only way it can be made easier is if we
party of men who invite to goodness , and should never feel irritated or annoyed by befriend God, and become His true
enjoin virtue and forbid evil. And it is they anyone, nor ever tire of working.
who shall prosper.” servants.

This humble one graduated from We must imbibe in ourselves the May Allah the Exalted grant us the ability
Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada in 2014. It was habit of hard work, no matter what trials to do so. Ameen.
a great change, being addressed as a full- a n d t r i b u l a t i o n s
fledged missionary and leaving the era of come our way – all
studentship only to jump head-on into the w h i l e re m a i n i n g
field of service. It was an honor to have committed to
received a Shahid Degree from the Khidmat.
blessed hands of Khalifatul Masih on the
auspicious occasion of Jalsa Salana UK M o r e o v e r,
2014. It was at this juncture that the he stated that your
realization struck - we were no longer just progress lies in true
students. Our every word now held the loyalty and love of
weight of words representing Khalifatul Allah, no matter
Masih. what happens, you
Nearly one month after Jalsa must always stay
Salana UK, the graduates of 2014 were devoted. Then he

sent to Rabwah, where we were a l s o d r e w o u r
introduced to the system of Jama'at. attention to the
Upon return to the UK, we were blessed s t u d e n t l i f e o f
with the opportunity to stay in the sacred Jamia, reminding
company of Khilafat for a month and a us of the rights we
half, receiving benefit from the presence owe to Allah and the importance of
of Khalifatul Masih. Beloved Huzoor-e- Tahajjud prayer. He said that we must
Anwar treated us with become friends with Allah and bring upon
ourselves a spiritual revolution.
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